In December 2001, Mr. Enill was appointed a Senator in the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago and Minister in the Ministry of Finance. He again was appointed a Senator in 2007, this time holding the portfolio of Minister of Energy and Energy Industries.
Mr. Enill is the holder of a Masters Degree in Business Administration (M.B.A) from Brunel University and Henley Management College of the United Kingdom, England. He has also participated in the Oil and Gas Mini MBA, Continuing Professional Development Certification Service by the CWC School for Energy Limited. In addition to his Masters Degree he has undergone extensive training in Finance, Management, Human Resources, Sales and Marketing and Strategic and Operational Planning. He has also attended high-level training programs, which included Effective Public Awareness and Communication to promote Economic Reforms, Improving the Public Expenditure Cycle from budget preparation to monitoring and evaluation and Application of Best Practices in Debt Management.
As Minister for Energy and Energy related matters, he is charged with the responsibility for overseeing the implementation of policy initiatives and the development of the petroleum and mineral resources for the benefit of Trinidad and Tobago. The scope of the Ministry's operations embraces all Energy Industries from Energy Policy Planning and Research, Hydrocarbons, Natural resources, Quarries and Mines to Power Generation.
Currently, Mr. Enill is a member of a number of Cabinet appointed sub-committees including: the Standing committee on Energy Matters, the Finance and General Purposes Committee and the Standing Committee on Business Development. He is also the Chairman of the Public Sector negotiating Committee.
Mr. Enill is a past Governor of both the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and also served as Governor of the International Finance Corporation, the International Development Association and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
He has served on a number of local and international task forces as well as lectured at several international forums. He also represented the Caribbean on a World Body task force that looked at the issue of Safety and Soundness of Financial Co-operative Institutions. Mr. Enill has lectured and conducted seminars regionally on "Modernizing Organizations and Strategies for Change".
Mr. Enill brings to his current portfolio twenty-six (26) years in business at all levels in organizations, and has practical hands-on experience in delivering results. His professional experience consists of operating as a Chief Executive Officer in a Sales and Marketing Organization, as Divisional General Manager of the Consulting Division and Management Consultant in a large Information Technology consulting Organization, as Chief Executive Officer of a Financial Institution with agencies in ten Caribbean territories in the Financial Services Co-operative Insurance Sector, and as a Senior Executive Manager with responsibilities for Finance in a large conglomerate.
Mr. Enill is dedicated to national development through the growth of the oil and gas industry, but is also is very much aware and sensitive to the socio-economic challenges that face our country and those within the region. He continues to commit to the process of accountability and transparency and to the delivery of superior results for the mutual benefit of Trinidad and Tobago and the wider energy sector organizations.
Mr. Enill is married with one son.