
The Finance Bill, 2021

This Bill seeks to amend the Praedial Larceny Prevention Act, Chap. 10:03, the Summary Offences Act, Chap. 11:02, the Registration of Clubs Act, Chap. 21:01, the Tobacco Control Act, Chap. 30:04, the Children Act, Chap. 46:01, the State Lands Act, Chap. 57:01, the Minerals Act, Chap. 61:03, the Petroleum Act, Chap. 62:01, the Petroleum Production Levy and Subsidy Act, Chap. 62:02, the Development Loans Act, Chap. 71:04, the Government Savings Bonds Act, Chap. 71:41, the Income Tax Act, Chap. 75:01, the Unemployment Levy Act, Chap. 75:03, the Health Surcharge Act, Chap. 75:05, the Value Added Tax Act, Chap. 75:06, the Stamp Duty Act, Chap. 76:01, the Property Tax Act, Chap. 76:04 and the Liquor Licences Act, Chap. 84:10.
View the Bill Essentials here.