Cabinet Reshuffle – June 22, 2012

On June 22, 2012 the Prime Minister announced a reshuffle of Cabinet positions. The following is the list of portfolios announced during the Prime Minister's press conference. Please note that this list is subject to change upon receipt of the official documentation.

Hon. Jack Warner, MP    –    Minister of National Security
Hon. Collin Partap, MP    –    Minister in the Ministry of National Security
Hon. Prakash Ramadhar, MP    –    Minister of Legal Affairs
Sen. the Hon. Anand Ramlogan    –    Attorney General
Hon. Dr. Glenn Ramadharsingh, MP    –    Minister of the People and Social Development
Hon. Vernella Alleyne-Toppin, MP    –    Minister in the Ministry of the People and Social Development
Hon. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, MP    –    Minister of Education
Hon. Dr. Roodal Moonilal, MP    –    Minister of Housing
Ms. Marlene Coudray    –    Minister of Gender, Youth and Child Development
Hon. Herbert Volney, MP    –    Minister of Justice
Hon. Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan    –    Minister of Public Administration
Sen. the Hon. Kevin Ramnarine    –    Minister of Energy
Hon. Errol McLeod, MP    –    Minister of Labour and Small and Micro Enterprise Development
Hon. Chandresh Sharma, MP    –    Minister of Transport
Hon. Anil Roberts, MP    –    Minister of Sport
Sen. the Hon. Bhoendradatt Tewarie    –    Minister of Planning
Hon. Nizam Baksh, MP    –    Minister of Public Utilities
Hon. Dr. Delmon Baker, MP    –    Minister of Tobago Development
Hon. Dr. Surujrattan Rambachan, MP    –    Minister of Local Government
Hon. Rudranath Indarsingh, MP    –    Minister in the Ministry of Local Government
Sen. the Hon. Emmanuel George    –    Minister of Works and Infrastructure
Hon. Stacy Roopnarine, MP    –    Minister (of State) in the Ministry of Works and Infrastructure
Hon. Dr. Lincoln Douglas, MP    –    Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism
Hon. Dr. Fuad Khan, MP    –    Minister of Health
Hon. Rodger Samuel, MP    –    Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister
Sen. the Hon. Fazal Karim    –    Minister of Tertiary Education
Hon. Stephen Cadiz, MP    –    Minister of Tourism
Hon. Winston Peters, MP    –    Minister of Community Development
Sen. the Hon. Devant Maharaj    –    Minister of Food Production
Hon. Jairam Seemungal, MP    –    Minister of State in the Ministry of Food Production
Hon. Dr. Rupert Griffith, MP    –    Minister of Science and Technology
Hon. Winston Dookeran, MP-    –    Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sen. the Hon. Vasant Bharath    –    Minister of Trade, Industry and Investment
Mr. Ganga Singh    –    Minister of the Environment and Water Resources
Hon. Ramona Ramdial, MP    –    Minister of State in the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources
Hon. Clifton DeCoteau, MP    –    Minister of National Diversification and Social Integration
Sen. the Hon. Embau Moheni    –    Minister in the Ministry of National Diversification and Social Integration
Mr. Jamal Mohammed    –    Minister of Communication
Ms. Nela Khan, MP    –    Deputy Speaker
Mr. Larry Howai    –    Minister of Finance and the Economy

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