Call for Comments on the Gambling (Gaming and Betting) Control Bill, 2016

Call For Comments on the Gambling (Gaming and Betting) Control Bill, 2016 

The Joint Select Committee established for consideration of the Gambling (Gaming and Betting) Control Bill, 2016 is calling for comments on the Bill.
The Bill seeks to provide for the establishment of the Gambling (Gaming and Betting) C0ntrol Commission ("the Commission") for the purpose of regulating the Gaming and Betting Sectors which are, both on a global and national level, vulnerable to infiltration by money launderers and terrorist financing.
The Committee is inviting members of the public to submit comments on the Bill, which is available herePDF Icon 
Written submissions should be addressed to the Secretary to the Committee as stated below or can be forwarded via email to
The Secretary
Joint Select Committee on the Gambling (Gaming and Betting) C0ntrol Bill, 2016
Office of the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
Levels G-9, Tower D
International Waterfront Centre
1A Wrightson Road
Related Information
The new Bill seeks to:
  • provide for the establishment of the Commission to regulate the Gaming and Betting Industry and address the issue of money launders and terrorist financing on this industry.
  • establish a Licence Regime that will establish stringent criteria for obtaining a licence which will assist in reducing the potential for money laundering and terrorism financing.
  • establish proper regulations for this sector as it is recognised that this sector has the potential to contribute meaningfully and positively to the national economy if regulated effectively.

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