Essay Competition – Saving Energy, Saving our Planet

Note: The deadline for submissions has been extended to May 27, 2016
At our Commonwealth Day Observance 2016 Event held on Monday March 14, 2016, the Office of the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago launched an Essay Competition entitled "Saving Energy, Saving Our Planet". 
See detailed guidelines for the essay competition here
Basic Guidelines
  • All students in Forms 2 & 3 in all secondary schools in Trinidad and Tobago are eligible to compete.
  • Each school is allowed two entries.
  • The essay should be done as a group project with groupings of no more than 8 students.
  • Members of Parliament are available as resource persons, for the participating groups.
  • Submissions must be type-written between 1200-1500 words.
  • Essays must be original, creative and factual.
  • Essays must be submitted with completed entry form containing the students' full names, dates of birth, contact numbers and email addresses, along with the secondary school being represented.
  • Prizes will be awarded on Friday July 01, 2016 and winners will be published on Wednesday July 06, 2016.
  • The deadline for submissions is Friday April 22, 2016 Friday May 27, 2016 no later than 4:15 p.m.
Essay must be emailed to:
For additional information, contact:
624-7275 ext 2242/2308/2245
Attractive prizes will be awarded to the top three groups. The schools will also be awarded prizes.

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