Keywords Parliament All12th Republican Parliament11th Republican Parliament10th Republican Parliament9th Republican Parliament8th Republican Parliament7th Republican Parliament6th Republican Parliament5th Republican Parliament4th Republican Parliament3rd Republican Parliament1st Republican Parliament Session All1st Session2nd Session3rd Session4th Session5th Session Reset FROM TO1318 results (page 46 of 132) Page 46 of 132«‹...102030...454647...506070...›»Fri5Feb 20104th Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 3rd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentFri29Jan 20103rd Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 3rd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentWed20Jan 20102nd Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 3rd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentWed13Jan 20101st Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 3rd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentThu7Jan 201049th Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 2nd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentMon21Dec 200948th Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 2nd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentFri18Dec 200947th Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 2nd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentFri11Dec 200946th Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 2nd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentWed9Dec 200945th Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 2nd Session of the 9th Republican ParliamentFri4Dec 200944th Sitting of the House of Representatives of the 2nd Session of the 9th Republican Parliament1318 results (page 46 of 132) Page 46 of 132«‹...102030...454647...506070...›»