Invitation for Written Submissions

The Local Government Bill, 2009 was introduced in the House of Representatives on July 03, 2009 and seeks to reform and modernise the system of local government in Trinidad.

The Bill provides, inter alia, for:

  • twelve Municipalities, the delineation of their boundaries, and their classification as cities, boroughs and regions;
  • the establishment of Municipal Councils, Executive Councils and uniformed Departments for each Municipal Corporation, and specifies the responsibilities of each;
  • a specific role for the Government in relation to Municipal Corporations; and
  • the establishment of  Central Administrative Districts and Central Administrative District Co-ordinating Committees.

This Bill, once passed, will replace the existing Municipal Corporations Act (Chap 25:04).

Copies of the Local Government Bill, 2009 and the Draft White Paper on Local Government Reform, 2009 are available at all Regional Corporations and Offices of Members of Parliament. The text of both documents can also be accessed online at

Comments on this Bill are invited in either hard copy or electronic format, and should be sent to or to:

The Secretary
Joint Select Committee on the Local Government Bill, 2009
Office of the Parliament
The Red House
Abercromby Street

All submissions should be received by Wednesday October 7, 2009 at 4 p.m.

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