Invitation for Written Submissions – Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago



Joint Select Committee of Parliament on Ministries,
Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (Group 2)


Inquiry into the administration and operations of
the Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago


 The above-named Committee has commenced an inquiry into the administration and operations of the Telecommunications Services of Trinidad and Tobago


The objectives of this inquiry are: 

1. To acquire insight into the Company’s financial condition;

2. To determine the strategic direction of the Company for the next five (5) years;

3. To determine the adequacy and effectiveness of the Company’s policies and  procedures as it pertains to ensuring accountability, transparency and sound Corporate Governance in its operations and to determine whether these are being adhered to;

4. To be informed of the major achievements/milestones realized by the Company over the past five (5) years and to gain an appreciation of the challenges faced by the Company;

5. To assess the impact of the opening of the telecommunications market on the Company vis-à-vis the introduction of other telecom service providers;

6. To assess the standard of service delivery to customers;

7. To determine the effectiveness of the Company’s infrastructure maintenance and upgrade systems;

8. To understand the relationship between the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) and TSTT in meeting the regulatory demands of the telecommunications industry;

9. To understand the relationship between TSTT, its line Ministry (Public Utilities) and the Ministry of Public Administration in guiding the Company in terms of its strategic direction; and

10. To determine the status of the agreement between TSTT and the Cable and Wireless Company and the challenges emanating from the merger.

As part of its inquiry process, the Committee is inviting all stakeholders and interested persons to submit written comments/suggestions related to the above-mentioned objectives.

Written submissions should be addressed to the Secretary to the Committee as stated below and can be forwarded via email to or in hard copy.

The Secretary
The Joint Select Committee (Group 2)
Office of the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago
Levels G-7, Tower D
International Waterfront Centre
1A Wrightson Road




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