
Fitzgerald Hinds

On Monday September 7, 2015 Mr. Fitzgerald Ethelbert Hinds was re-elected to the House of Representatives as the Member of Parliament for Laventille West in the 11th Parliament.

Mr. Hinds was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1995, and served for 12 years as the Member for Laventille East/Morvant. An attorney-at-law by profession, Mr. Hinds first served in Opposition between 1995 and 2001. During the 8th Republican Parliament (2002-2007), Mr. Hinds served as Minister of State in the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Trade and Industry. Mr. Hinds would be appointed an Opposition Senator in the 10th Parliament.

During his tenure, Mr. Hinds served as a Member of several Committees and also chaired the Public Accounts (Enterprises) Committee and the Joint Select Committee on National Security.

Maiden Contribution

The House of Representatives – Friday December 8, 1995
Motion – Take Note of the 17th Annual Report of the Ombudsman