Papers LaidKeywords TTHDC (Vesting) (Amd't to the First Schedule) (No.2) 2018.pdf TTHDC (Vesting) (Amd't to the First Schedule) Order, 2018.pdf T+T HDC Vesting (Amt to 1st schedule) (No. 3) Order, 2018.pdf The Civil Proceedings (Amendment) Rules, 2018.pdf The Criminal Procedure (Am't) (No. 2) Rules, 2018.pdf The Financial Obligations (Amendment) Regulations, 2018.pdf The Financial (Amendment) Regulations, 2018.pdf The Senior Citizens’ Pension (Amendment of Schedule) Order, 2018.pdf President Statement - Economic Sanctions (Implementation of UN Resolutions on the DPR of Korea) Order, 2018.pdf President Statement - Economic Sanctions (Implementation of UN Resolutions on the Islamic Republic of Iran) Order, 2018.pdf The Telecommunications (Universal Service) (Amendment) Regulations, 2019.pdf The Criminal Procedure (Plea Discussion and Plea Agreeement) (Amt to the Sch) Order, 2018.pdf The Land Acquisition (Requisition) Order, 2018.pdf Economic Sanctions (Implementation of UN Resolutions DPR Korea) Order, 2018.pdf Economic Sanctions (Implementation of UN Resolutions Iran) Order, 2018.pdf Draft EBC (LG +THA) Order, 2019.pdf The Financial (Amendment) (Revocation) Regulations, 2019.pdf PSC Notification - Roger Mark Kawalsingh.pdf The Tobacco Control (Amendment) Regulations, 2019.pdf The Immigration (Amendment) Regulations, 2019.pdf The Immigration (Amendment to the Second Schedule) Order, 2019.pdf The Civil Proceedings (Amendment) Rules, 2019.pdf The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Rules, 2019.pdf The Criminal Procedure (Am't) (No. 2) Rules, 2019.pdf The Maintenance (Amt) Rules, 2019.pdf